Hey there,
I hope you have been well? Today’s post is about the show of the month! I often binge watch shows and I enjoy it so much that this month I finally decided to post reviews on the shows that I’m currently watching. So the show that I have indulged myself into is Bones.

Bones is an American Crime procedural comedy-drama that started airing in 2005. This show exists of 12 seasons, the last season airing in 2017. This show follows the story of an FBI agent, Seeley Booth, and a forensic anthropologist, Temperance Brennan, that work hand in hand to help solve mysterious FBI cases. This show is a personal favorite thanks to the story line and its intriguing description of human characters and relationships.
Bones: Plot
The show begins with an unsolved murder case in which agent Booth is forced to work with a famous specialist Temperance Brennan, a forensic anthropologist. They aren’t really fond of each other because their methods of working are very different, but they are forced to solve this important case together as soon as possible. Agent Booth realizes how through forensic anthropology, the study of bones, you can find out a lot about a person such as identity, age, medical history, time of death and cause of death. After that they join forces and solve the most unsolvable cases together.
There are many different character types that you can find in the show Bones. Which each have their importance in the show and contribute greatly to the goodness of the show. Thanks to the diversity in the different characters you can learn a lot about behaviorism and I believe that many people can relate to Bones thanks to that. Many characters come and go, but there are a few main characters that come back almost every season.
The main ones are:
- Temperance Brennan ~ Famous forensic anthropologist
- A famous doctor in her field
- Writer of multiple books
- Very rational
- Takes everything literally
- Works hard
- Has abandonment issues
- Seeley Booth ~ FBI agent
- Well known FBI agent
- Former sniper in the army
- Father to Parker
- Works hard
- Relies on his gut
- Has a good feel for people
- Has daddy issues
- Jack Hodgins ~ Botanist
- Doctor with 3 degrees
- Temper issues in the beginning of the show
- Known as the “King of the lab”
- In love with Angela (to be honest I believe that this started from day 1)
- Loves his particulates, no one should mess with those! Most of the time, without his particulates there’s always a very important detail of the case that isn’t solved, so look out for these every episode, you’d be surprised at what you can learn from them.
- Angela Montenegro ~ Artist
- Free spirit
- Wants to live in Paris
- Her dad is famous and from Texas (lol, this will make more sense after you’ve watched the show)
- Amazing at the reconstruction of a face based on someone’s skull. As the seasons go on she also becomes a great programmer and her sketching becomes more detailed and advances
- Although she might seem impatient at times, she is one of the most patient and understanding person.
- Although she is emotionally unstable and has her issues, she is straight up one of the most stable out of all of them.
- Camille Saroyan ~ MD
- Mother of the Jeffersonium Institute
- She is really good at her job
- Throughout the seasons you can see how she is becoming a better mom/ boss to her team. Reason number 1 why the group stays together throughout the seasons
- Zack Addy ~ assistant forensic anthropologist
- Very scientific
- Dr. Brennan’s favourite PHD student
- Baby of the group
- Very literal
- Everyone loves him, no matter what he does
- Extremely smart
- Lance Sweets ~ Phycologist
- Young FBI psycologist
- Sweet guy
- Adopted
- Head over heals with Daisy
- Attachment issues
- Just as involved with Booth and Bones’ love life as we all are
- Caroline
- Grandma of the group
- Prosecutor who works closely with the rest of the team
- Keeps everyone out of trouble
- Calls everyone “Chéri”
- Sassy attitude: which is amazing
- She is the second reason why the whole group sticks together no matter what; if she calls everyone answers.
- Interns; various interns rotate every episode and this is spread over several seasons, starting from season 4.

The reasons why you have to watch Bones
This show isn’t only one of the most entertaining shows that I’ve watched, but it also teaches you a lot about the anatomy of the body and how various diseases can still be found even after you pass on. It’s focus is on a discipline that not many people come in contact with during their day to day life. It also teaches you how different sciences can work together for a common cause. After every episode you learn something new about various topics which gives you the feeling that you’re becoming smarter as you watch.
It’s very exciting to see how the friendships, relationships amongst the people grow together and how it helps each character grow individually.
The other thing that makes this show one of the best is that it shows how advanced the show was for its time, like the diversity on the show; there are multiple people of color who play as part of the main cast throughout the various seasons. In season 5 they also introduce various people from different religions and they attack the issue of having to act differently to feel accepted and how that had to change. There was also an episode where gender fluidity was addressed and discussed in an appropriate manner. There are other cultural and historic events that get discussed and solved throughout the various seasons as well.
After all this one might think that it’s a very serious show that can’t be watched for pure entertainment or that it is a huge commitment due to the amount of seasons, but I can assure you that it’s a very entertaining show that once you give it a chance, can lure you in and make you binge watch seasons at a go. The social issues addressed in the show also make it one that is still relevant till this day.
If you want to watch Bones, you can watch it on Disney +.
As of today, when this is posted I am still on season 6, I will update this post ASAP.
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Have a blessed week!
Big love,