Hi there!
In today’s blogpost I wanted to address consistency, meaning how to keep going even when you don’t feel like it
One of the things that I’ve been struggling with my whole life is how to be consistent when it feels like you’re not going anywhere. After trying various things to improve and keep going that would ultimately lead to results.
When you look at life today you’ve probably heard it multiple times “consistency is key”. Whether it’s on social media, studies or getting healthy. The main thing you’ll hear about a lot is consistency. Which is the biggest difference between those who make it and those who don’t.
Below you will find 6 ways to help you to keep going when you want to give up
Remember why the other things aren’t an option
Whether it’s because you don’t like the other option or it feels like there is none. The most important thing while you’re working on it, is to make yourself realise that there is no way back to this. There is no way back. You’ve come too far to go back. Realizing that consistency is a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things.
There will be times when it seems like you’ve hit a dead end, but there’s always a pathway between the trees, no matter how small.
Keep the ultimate dream in your heart 🡪 the power of moving in silence
Everyone has an ultimate dream. The desire that no one else knows, but you. The first important thing to take note of is that you shouldn’t tell just anyone. It’s often tempting to give into the feeling and the
It’s important to be honest with yourself about what your ultimate dream is. If you’ve forgotten about it or you’ve never even thought about it, think about the things you do on a daily that make you happy.

Dealing with negative thoughts
Overcoming negative thoughts is one of the most important life lessons. Letting go of what doesn’t serve you and seeking solutions over problems. There will always be issues in life, the most important thing is what are you going to feed your mind with. Negative thoughts can come, but it’ll ultimately be your choice whether you allow them to stay or not.
One of the ways that I’ve learnt to get rid of negative thoughts, is by replacing them with the ones that I want, the positive thoughts. How I’d do that you’ll find in the next part.
If you have no idea on how to identify the negative thoughts, definitely read this post Discovering the lies and transforming them into truth.
Meditating on what is good, wholesome & positive surrounding consistency
Instead of focussing on the things that you have no control over it is best to focus on the things that will help you move forward. Yes, it is important to look back, reflect and learn from it, but the key of looking back lies is learning from it for the future. It is better to be future minded than focusing on regrets.
Be careful though: do not fall into the rat race of “tomorrow only”. Make sure that your decisions of today have a positive impact on your life tomorrow, but do not disregard today because of it.
There are so many positive things that you can meditate on daily and in this post you’ll find my go to positive affirmations and uplifting Bible verses. If you want to achieve this level of positivity, then consistency is key! What I mean by that is that you need to make sure to speak these positive things over your life daily!
Physical trackers to help you stay consistent
There are many apps that can help you track your daily process and with which you can build daily good habits. I personally love the app Finch.
Another way to track your progress is by writing them down. Every day you write your to do list and tick them off daily. When you start your day with making a list of to do’s, it helps clear your mind and gives you a structured overview of all the things that need to be done. Often when you feel tired and overwhelmed and like you want to give up, it’s because you can’t see all the things that you have done, due to being too focused on the things that you haven’t done.

Know when to stop
When you’re expanding your capacity it’s easy to push too hard. This is why knowing when it is time to stop is so important. When you know when to rest, when to take time off, you will be able to sustain the marathon, that is life. Consistency will be easier when you give yourself a break. Consistency is easier when you give yourself time, space and grace to grow.
Create a schedule, it doesn’t have to be detailed, you can simply start with a theme of the day schedule. Below you will find an example of what that could look like:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Workout day | Work day | Purpose day | Social day | Learning day | House day | Rest day |
To do’s:-go to the gym-home yoga-rope skipping-meal prep-… | To do’s:–meeting -get feedback on your work -compliment a colleague | To do’s:-create a moodboard-do sth that will help you get closer to the dream. | To do’s:-meet up with friends-grab a coffee with a colleague | To do’s:-read a book -watch a TEDtalk -learn about gardening | To do’s:-vacuum kitchen-clean bathroom-sort out garbage | To do’s:-take a bath-go for a walk-watch fav show |
I hope you enjoyed this post about consistency and how to keep going. I hope it was able to help you take the first steps towards a good life.
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Big love,