Dealing with unsolved emotions
Today we’re going to learn how to deal with unsolved emotions.
Hey there, I hope you’ve been well?
Today I wanted to share a post I wrote a couple of years ago, because I do believe it’s an important part of a person’s healing journey and that it’s still relevant today.
This text was based on a poem I wrote back then.
The poem
In a cage.
Not knowing how to escape the cage. Yet I keep trying..
I managed.
Next thing is to get to the window.
I get caught again and put into my cage..
I don’t give up and keep trying.
I try again and I manage again..
This time I get to the window.
I try to open it, I can already smell the fresh cold air outside,
I’ve almost opened it,
but I’m too slow…
I get caught and put into my cage again.
Third time’s a charm right?
But how?
How can I escape my cage?
How can I break free and fly along with the other birds?
When will I breathe the fresh air outside?
For now all I know is that one day I will break free and fly with them,
But when?

Unsolved emotions
While thinking of what to write today I was overflown with different emotions and thought well let me write about that.. It has been an extremely busy few months for me and I wasn’t really sure if I was dealing with it right.
Unresolved emotions meaning
” The word unresolved is used for a situation that lacks a resolution, or ending. In this case it would mean that there are negative emotions that you have not dealt with. “
The beginning of this year was quite busy. It’s our last few months in secondary school and we need to get our school projects done and make sure to keep giving it our all, but I just couldn’t. It was really hard to stay focused. I would slack off sometimes and procrastinate a lot.
I suppressed so many different feelings that I couldn’t tell which one I was sad or angry about at a any point.
A friend just passed away, I wasn’t sure if I’m not sure if I’m going to graduate in June and there were a lot of unspoken truths between my friends and I. Suppressing unsolved emotions is like forcing a bird to stay in a cage. It wants to come out, but it can’t, because you want to keep it in.
It has been quite tough for me to actually accept the emotions I had and try to deal with them. I kept telling myself that if I keep them to myself no one will be hurt and there will be peace, but actually there was no peace at all. The longer I suppressed the worse it got.
I felt sad, guilty and suffocated and I didn’t really know how to deal with it, because I had kept it to myself for so long that I started feeling really bad. I had been living a life full of lies and I had been telling myself and others that I was okay, but I wasn’t. I had been trying to keep peace, but actually created tension. People around me started noticing when I was in a bad mood and it became worse and worse until I shut myself out completely which is what happens when you suppress your emotions too lo
Dealing with unsolved emotions
After that I realized how bad it was getting and how keeping it to myself was getting me nowhere I started exploring other options.. I started talking to people and I realized what I had to do. I brought all my problems to the Lord and started praying. I started focusing on building my solid relationship with God so that I would stop doubting myself and actually be me. They were a few verses that reminded me of who I was an actually helped me to get back up:

Matthew 15:18
But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them.
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
I realized that me acting the way I was, was because my heart was full of pain and the pain was reflected through what I was saying and doing. The pain in my heart that was there was all because I had stopped guarding my heart, I let the emotions that I didn’t want to confront grow into an uncontrolled valley of weeds.
I had started feeling so insecure about my body, my writing and the way I acted. The verse that kept popping up during this period was a very well know one from Psalms.
Psalm 139: 14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
There is no other way out, dealing with unsolved emotions is the best way to escape the cage.
Practical tips for dealing with unsolved emotions
This verse in combination with a conversation I had with my best friend really changed my mindset. It reminded me of who I actually was. So to all of you out there who are suppressing how they truly feel: it’s not healthy. It’s not helping the people you think you’re helping by not talking about it and its poisoning you on the inside.
Deal with the unsolved emotions head on. Start by finding a way to express it.
I would say start with prayer and meditation.

Pray about the feelings and not just by talking about it, but write them all down and allow yourself to process the thoughts that are flowing from your mind to the paper and make sure you meditate on the things that are positive and just.
Meditation helps you keep yourself grounded and not feel overwhelmed by the process of facing your true feelings. Make sure you do find someone to talk to about all of it, because it’s important to stay in community through it all.
It will be very tempting to shut yourself out, but I can tell your right now, it won’t be of any help whatsoever. This is a journey for you, but there are people around you that can listen, love and help you move forward on this journey.
I hope this post was able to help you understand yourself better. If you don’t know how to dig deeper into the unsolved emotions, definitely check out the self-discovery journal prompts, they will help you find the unsolved emotions within and will guide you towards dealing with the unsolved emotions.
If you haven’t read the first part of the healing journey, click here.
If you want to read more posts, click here.
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Have a blessed week!
Big love,