Hey you, I hope you’ve been well? Today’s post is going to be about staying focused on the vision. I spoke with a friend of mine about recently about eating healthy. She mentioned that she struggles with starting it, because she needs a trigger to do it, someone to challenge her. She also mentioned to me that a vision board and or setting goals for herself didn’t do it for her.
Planning, scheduling, goals,… somehow once they are set, the will, drive and motivation to do the
thing leaves and sometimes it can feel like you’ve already achieved it. Honestly, I remember that it used to happen to me all the time, but this time, I was able to stick to my vision board and see the results of the work that I am putting in.
There are a few things that I had to put in place for the vision board to work and today I am ready to share the things that have worked for me so far. We’re March and I’m super glad to say that I have been working on them and that I haven’t given up on achieving my goals and there’s still enough time for you to make the most out of your goals as well.
When does a vision board work?
The reason why it started working out for me is because I decided to stay focused on the vision. I removed all possible distractions from my life. It’s been quite hard, because I had started liking the life I was living, but when I looked at the things I was doing it wasn’t setting me up to be the person I wanted to be, so I knew I needed to cut it out.
Firstly, I had to think of which things were distractions and address those separately. I had to limit my social interactions. Besides family and my roommates and a couple of close friends, I left everything and everyone behind.
All the interactions I was having besides the tight group, had to benefit the goal I am going after or they had to be with people who shared the same mindset. I needed the things to feed my character and knowledge. I know for some people it comes across as cold, but in this world to achieve
the things that truly matter to you, you don’t have the time or energy to spend on people that will exhaust you or push you further from where you’re headed. You’re better of saving that energy for the things that you value most.
If you don’t know the things that you value most or the things that are most important to you, then
it’s important to get to know yourself. You’ve probably heard it a lot of times, but getting to know yourself and observing the things that make you the way you are, are the key to being able to stay focused on the vision. Observing the patterns that you have, is the first step. If you’d like some questions and prompts to get to know yourself, definitely check out the self-discovery journal prompts. Honestly, by answering those questions, I got to know myself so much faster than by experiences or trying to figure it out over time..
The second thing I did, to help me stay focused, was having an accountability partner. Two of my closest
friends and my coach are the people that are on me each week. They check in on the things I do every week. For every area of my life: career, school, writing, spiritual life. They make sure I read my Bible at least a couple of times a week. As we speak I’m working towards reading my Bible daily, which has had an
enormous impact on the way I react to the things that are happening in life. Thanks to them I’m also constantly reminded of the things on my to do list.
Another thing that helped me stay focused is changing my mindset towards work, myself and other people. I had to believe in myself. I had to focus on changing the inside. I needed confidence, but I also needed a new heart. I detoxed myself from negative speech.
I would start my day by telling myself that it was going to be a good day regardless of what would happen, I decided that my day was going to be good and approached everything with such a mindset. It took a while to have a positive mindset and it’s still something I need to practice daily. One of the things
that helps me when things are hard is taking a step back and looking at it from a bigger perspective:
- Will this be important to me in the next 5 years?
- Will this matter in the next year?
- Does this impact me drastically in the next 3-6 months?
If the answer to those questions is no, I decide to accept that it has happened, but it won’t affect
the rest of my day. I won’t give it the power to determine the other decisions I need to make in a day.
Another thing that helped me stay focused on the vision, is a healthy schedule. Every day, I’m intentionally practicing
the habits that I want to have 5 years from now.. I started writing more often, it’s on my schedule to do daily, so every day I try that. I also know which hours I’m working on what and making sure I make time to learn something new and I also have time for hobbies that spark a different kind of creativity, in my case, knitting.
I also make sure that I see my goals daily. I remind myself of why I am doing what I’m doing. I keep in mind
who I want to be in the future and work on being her today.
When in doubt this is the verse that keeps me going at the moment:
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her
Luke 1:45
How to stay focused on the vision?
So, to summarize everything; here are a few tips on how to stay focused on the vision:
- Remove all of the distractions
- Have an accountability partner
- Change your mindset: Speak POSITIVELY over your life
- Have faith: truly believe with all your heart and allow your believing to direct your steps
- When unexpected events happen remember the bigger picture
- Watch your goals daily
I hope you enjoyed this blogpost and that it’ll help you stay focused on the vision for your life, definitely let me know what you thought of it and other topics you’d want me to write about.
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Big love,