Hey beautiful,
I know you’ve been through a lot. I know all the sacrifices you’ve made to be where you are today. I know ALL the mistakes you’ve made. I know all the mistakes you’re yet to make. I know the things that set you on fire. I know the things that make you cry rivers. I know the things that make you blow up. I know all the hidden chambers where you hide your hardest hurts. I know the amazing things you’ve made. I know the amazing things you’ve tried to do. I know every tiny breakthrough and tiny misstep.
Yet, I still love you
I can’t help, but forgive you when you ask for it, because I have so much more for you. I have so much that I want to do with you. You’re never alone, my love. I will always be there, even if you won’t always see me or feel me, I know you love me, and I know that you know I’m there.
I know you’re struggling with yourself. I know your insecurities that no one else knows of. I know the real you. That’s the you I want to bring out. The you, I want to help shine. The you that will make your joy full.

I want you to see you how I see you. You are strong. You are kind. You are loving. You are wonderful. You are perfect in my eyes. I want you to know that nothing you’re going through will ever be too big for us to handle together. Nothing that you’re going to do is ever going to change how i think of you! Life might seem hard, but there’s nothing that you’re going through that will drown or burn you.
All the fire and the rivers and that wind that you give, all that you give… I know you give your all and I know you can’t see what I’m creating with it but trust me it’s beautiful. Keep coming to me with all that you are and watch me turn that mess into something fruitful.

Again, I tell you,
I love you
– G
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Have a blessed week!
Big love,
(pic by huawei magazine unlock pics, lol)