Hey guys, how have you been, I hope well! 😊 I’ve been blessed, thank you. In this post, I’ll be talking about the lies that you tell yourself and how to turn them into the truth you want to see, as a result, self love journey step 1!
I was wondering…
Have you guys ever felt like your just not good enough? Or that you are not worth anything at all? Today I will be talking about self love.
The beginning of the self love journey
Well I have (surprise, surprise). It took me very long to accept that I am worth it and that I am beautiful and that I am awesome! Okay I know this might sound a little direct for some people, but yes, I did say it: I AM AWESOME!
But it wasn’t easy for me to admit that… why? Because society kept telling me that I’m not and here is a short version of the list why:
- I’m fat & ugly
- I’m pretty
- I’m too tough
- I’m too kind
- I’m worthless
- I’m reckless
- I’m too scared
- …
And the list goes on and on… people used to say all sorts of things to me, but a lot of those things were contradicting. When this all became too much for me I started wondering who I really was, and who I was actually trying to please. The answer was simple: I had lost myself in the process of trying to satisfy people who didn’t even care about the real me at all and that had to change. So I went back to the basics.
So God created man in his own image after his own likeness
Genesis 1:26,27
So, this was my first step: I look like God. He created me. If I start calling myself ugly, I am calling His work ugly and even worse I am calling Him ugly. For all the people reading this who don’t believe in God: Calling yourself ugly is like calling your parents ugly, and you won’t call your parents ugly will you?
For I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:14
Besides making us after his own image, He also ads that he had made us wonderfully! You are wonderful! I know it sounds really weird, but you are! Think about it, there must be something about yourself that you like? There must be something about you that you find pretty. Even if you won’t tell anyone out loud; you know there is something about you that you love!
The reason why it’s important to love yourself, isn’t even for you to be honest, it’s for you to manage to love others too. If you don’t love you for who you are in the state you are today you won’t love others for who they are!
So, before you start trying to please and satisfy others, start pleasing and satisfying yourself, because that is the only way you can love others on the level that they deserve to be loved.
How to practice self love
1. Find the lies
The fastest way to find the lies is by asking yourself questions, one of the main questions to ask yourself is: “how would I describe lmyself?”
How would I describe myself?
Answering this question for yourself can get you more ansers than you’d expect. You can write it in the form of a list of adjectives, a letter to yourself, a bio, etc.
There are many other questions like this that I have bundled into one resource that has helped some people, I’m confident the Self-discovery journal prompts will help you as well!
2. Think of the things you want to be
After writing down the things that you already think of yourself, you can now dream of the person you wish to be. It’s important to think further than just career, house, money and family. Yes, you can write those things down as well, but the key of this step is looking for characteristics and habits that you’d like to have.
The outer things will come to pass after the inside has been worked on. If you have no idea where to begin, definitely check out the Healing journal prompts, the focus of those prompts are different from the self-discovery one, these ones dig deep into your core. It brings out the issues that you have burried deep within and helps you deal with them in a healthy way.µ
3. Schedule joy into your life
It’s important to do things that make you happy and not only the things that you feel forced to do.
A lot of people forget to schedule joy into their day. It’s one of the most important ways to love yourself. Find something small that makes you happy, it can be knitting, drawing, walking, reading the Daily Dose of Joy blog, etc.
I hope you enjoyed this post, and if you have please don’t be shy and leave a like or a comment! 😉
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Big love,