As we’ve seen in the last post about identity, identity is a key factor in life. Today, we’ll be fighting our generational curses
What are generational curses?
A generational curse is a way of thinking, habit or behavior that has been passed from one generation to the next. These are passed down from parent to child. Sometimes the generational curse can go down 3 to 4 generations.

Why is it important to break them?
Because you know you’re a different person. A new person at that, it’s important to have the thoughts, habits and feelings, better known as the lifestyle that comes with the person you’re becoming.
Isaiah 43:10
Which means that the thoughts are different from the generations before. The desires are different, because if your desires are the same as others, you won’t get to be the person you want to be in the place you want to be in.
There are thoughts and habits that you’ve had your entire life that you will have to unlearn and change to walk into this new part of your life.
The new thoughts and habit sthat you will find in the word. By allowing the renewing of your mind through the cleansing with the word (Romans 12:2) and the outward expression of it (Romans 12:3, Proverbs 31) you will be able to become the person you were created to become.
In all of this you are never alone (find verse) and you will grow closer to the one who created you (John 15).
Family and friends
Family and friends might look at you differently, because you have changed. They might not treat you the same, you might become closer or even more distant that you were before, but just know, you would have achieved your goal.
Healing would have taken place.
When the generational curses are broken
Soon after you xill start to realize that life is different. You will connect to new people, have new hobbies and discover a sense of peace and satisfaction within that you haven’t known before.
Meaning if you used to be overly social, you will find joy and peace in being alone and if you used to isolate yourself, you will find joy and peace in a community that shares the same convictions values, thoughts and habits.

Different areas in which generational curses could be hiding
If you’ve been wondering whether you have generational curses or how to find them, here are a few areas in your life that you can examine, that will help you determine them.
One of the most powerful and controlling emotions a human possesses. The things you fear often have immediate impact on the choices you make in your life. Yet sometimes they are not your own. The best way to find out which fears are yours and which ones aren’t is by asking yourself why you have those fears.
If those fears are based on an event that was heavily influenced by someone else, and without that person the thing that you’re fearing wouldn’t scare you, then it isn’t your own fear, but it’s something that has been passed on.
If the fear is based on something someone else went through and you yourself weren’t there, but the thought of it paralyzes you, it’s not your own fear.
If the fear is based on a lack of something or an escape of a thing that you’ve gone through in the past as a child, it’s also something that has been passed on.
Your routine is usually influenced by the environment you grew up in. If the environment you grew up in wasn’t one that encouraged your gifts and your love and your thinking to flourish and be understood, there are things you’re going to have to unlearn.
If your routine included following what is mainstream and thinking outside of the box was considered as something that is weird, not normal, not done or outrageous. Then those are also things you have to unlearn.
If you had no routine at all, you will have to learn how to stick to a routine, because life is all about consistency, which is repetitive practice of a task or gift and that will sometimes take years before anything will change for the better.
So the areas in your life in which you find repetition, consistency embracing your inner self and finding confidence in thinking outside of the box have been locked in, you’ll have to find a way out. One the other hand, when all you’ve known is go with the flow and think outside the box, you’ll have to learn how to control your urges, so that you can trade today’s desires for the long term ones.
I know finding the balance between those two sides is hard, but when you do get there it’s worth it. Me myself I’m still in the process of learning how to balance the two, but with practice we will become better at it.
These are the two places where you can start to look for generational curses and by reading the word you will learn that your life was meant to change for better.
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Big love,